Search Engine Optimization Company Scam

There has been an SEO service scam going on for well over a year now that I have noticed. It doesn’t seem to be going away, so this post is to educate business owners and non-profit organizations that have a presence online and need to do something about search engine optimization regarding their website, but are not sure how to move forward knowing they are making the right decision. After all, money doesn’t come cheap these days, and you want to make good decisions with your advertising budget.

Wikipedia defines SEO as, “the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in search engines via the “natural” or un-paid (organic) search results…because effective SEO often requires changes to the HTML source code of a site and site content, SEO tactics can be incorporated into website development and design.”

What I want you to notice about the above definition is the part that says, “effective SEO requires changes to the HTML source code of a site and site content…”

I have a problem with these so-called SEO companies that market our clients to do search engine optimization work for them — promising top placement in Google and other search engines. They fill out contact forms on our client’s websites, bypassing TWDF altogether trying by to get their business directly. It’s unethical and shady. Do they really think that they are going to get any business this way?

SEO companies cannot do effective SEO without getting access to the server, which only we have. Do they think that we are going to give them access to our server or something?

Things to Watch Out For

Did they contact the web developer that manages your site?

Look – if there is a link at the bottom of your website to the company that developed your website, and they provide the exact same services that this SEO scammer provides, don’t you think it’s a bit unethical for them to contact you directly? In addition, do they really think your web designer is just going to give them access to the server if he/she provides the same service(s)? I doubt it. Either they have plans to do SEO work off of the website, or they’ll try to talk you into moving your website to their server or possibly redesigning it. It’s best to use a local provider for search engine optimization services, because they know the market you are operating your business in.

Do they promise top placement in Google?

First of all, it’s gutsy to promise results as bold as “top placement in Google.” Nothing like that can be guaranteed because there are simply too many factors that come into play. I would never make a promise like that until I learn more about the company, how many competitors they have, how large the city is that they are in, and look over their analytics for the last 12 months. If they haven’t been using Google Analytics, I still won’t make any promises relating to search engine ranking until I have at least 60 days of analytics. Results can be improved considerably, but as much control as search engine optimization specialists have over a website, it’s just not probable to get top placement for all of your keywords and phrases right off the bat.

If they are promising specific results for a flat fee or monthly subscription, ignore them. They won’t make money on whatever work that they do at first, but once they finish the work, you are paying them money every month for doing absolutely nothing. Do you really think that they are going to monitor your website traffic and keywords and phrases every month along with hundreds of other websites? I seriously doubt it. I’ve seen companies like this collect thousands of dollars a month and they’ll go for months without doing any work on a single site they are collecting money from to do SEO work. They’ll come up with some kind of excuse as to why your site isn’t performing well like, “the search engines have changed their algorithms,” “you have more competitors now,” and so on. They are just running their scam.

How long have they been in business?

Visit their website. Figure out where they are located, and run some local search terms. For instance, if they are in Tulsa, type in “Tulsa Internet Marketing” and see where they come up in search results. If you can’t find their website, what makes you think they’re going to make yours #1?

How did they solicit your company?

If you get an official email with the person’s name, address of the company they work for, a phone number, website address, social media logos that link to their profiles, then I’d say hold onto that email. It’s more likely that they know what they are doing if their email communicates preparation and brands their company. More often than not, you’ll receive a phone call shortly after you receive the email from the same person. They are cold calling you, but sincerely want your business. I’d hire someone that did that to me if they could show me they know what they’re talking about.

However, if the email is from someone’s G-mail account, or they simply filled out the contact form on your website, ignore them. If they want your business, they’ll put a little bit more work into getting it.

Do they have a portfolio?

And I don’t mean a portfolio of websites that they developed either. Anyone can build a website. They need to somehow show in their portfolio that they know about search engine optimization, and show with analytical data how they have improved their client’s search engine ranking. Listen carefully Mr. Business Owner — most web designers don’t know much about search engine optimization, and SEO specialists typically know very little about web design. It’s not rare to find someone that’s good at both, but when you do, expect to pay this person more per hour ($60 – $90/hour).

Do they have any testimonies from any of their clients?

A big plus would be if they have video testimonies from their clients regarding the SEO services provided. Since testimonies in text form can easily be fabricated, you know a video testimony is more likely to be authentic.

Do they explain their process in words you can understand?

There are a lot of big terms related to search engine optimization and Internet marketing. Don’t pretend to understand what they mean. Make the SEO company explain exactly what it is that they plan on doing to get you top placement. I’ll follow up this post with the order of action steps that Innovated Media takes to begin SEO on a new website.