
When it comes to organic search results, content truly is king. SEO or search engine optimization is simply creating engaging content to rank well in natural search results based the originality of the content, and the relevance to the search query. Google has two kinds of search results, Ad Words (or paid results) which are little more than a paid advertisement and natural or organic results.  Organic search results happen as a result of search engine optimization based on the popularity and  common usage of the content on that page or post. Organic search results are not paid results. While paid results will get you to the top of the page faster many people will often skip over these paid Ad Words to the natural search results and see them as little more than a paid advertisement.

There are few other ways to naturally boost your organic search results as fast as well written original content. While it can take days or even months for changes to your website to be indexed these changes once crawled will have a significant  impact to your websites presence online. Google indexes from the top down, so having your content optimized by a web design professional can be worth the expense. Few business owners  have a healthy understanding of how this works better than an SEO professional, and it can mean the difference between top ranking content or the penalization of over-saturated key words. Typically, 20% keyword saturation is the maximum recommended use for your targeted keywords within your written content. Any higher than that and you risk Google penalizing you and possibly loosing your rank to a lesser quality post or page.

How Much Content to Increase Search Ranking?

The more the merrier. Content is experiences and information that is of value to a user within a specific context. Google places a high value on original, optimized content and the more you have of it the better. Well written and optimized content will get you to the top of the page faster than anything but to stay there you must continue to post fresh content regularly. This is where your blog comes in. It is customary to post monthly blog posts but if your a real “go get her” weekly blog post will keep you in the running for the coveted top spots on Google Bing and Yahoo. © April Swanson 2013